Friday, May 20, 2011

Brangelina together onscreen again?

While strutting some seriously questionable facial hair at Cannes this week, Brad Pitt hinted at a collaboration we’ve been waiting for since 2005, teaming once again with partner Angelina Jolie.

“We're hopscotching with films so one can be with the kids and one's free to work,” said the superstar dad, “Why aren't we doing them together? Why aren't we doing everything together?"

Why indeed. The duo hooked up while filming Mr & Mrs Smith, and another project together might spark some extra magic both in the box office and behind the screens.

But the more important question remains, what is going on with the facial hair, Brad? You seriously need to take some tips on becoming a silver fox from your BFF, George Clooney. We really don’t want a repeat of the pirate bead beard of 2009.

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